The Female Reproductive System

Menu Disorders Diseases.

Disorders Diseases


Cervical cancer

Risk Factors

Smoking, STIs, weak immune system.


Pelvic pain, abnormal vaginal bleeding, nausia, fatigue.

To protect oneself and be prepared if one does get cervical cancer, biological females should start getting screened at age 25, and continue to every 5 years until they are 65.


Ovarian cancer

Risk Factors

Older age, obesity.


Bloating, pain in one's pelvis or belly, trouble eating or quickly feeling that one is full, and/or feeling like one needs to urinate often.


Toxic shock syndrome


Toxic shock syndrome has been associated with having cuts or burns on your skin, having had recent surgery, using superabsorbent tampons or menstrual cups, and having a viral infection, such as the flu or chickenpox.


Possible signs and symptoms of toxic shock syndrome include a sudden high fever, low blood pressure, vomiting or diarrhea, a rash resembling a sunburn (particularly on your palms and soles), confusion, muscle aches, redness of your eyes, mouth and throat, seizures, and headaches.